- Aug, 2019: The TeraVR paper was published in Nature Communications and in a piece of Allen Institute's news.
- April 28, 2017: The UltraTracer is released as a Turbo Engine for neuron tracing.
- 2015.......2017: Google more or check our linkedin page.
- March 31, 2015: The BigNeuron project is formally announced. This major international collaborative project is sponsored by more than 10 organizations and featured in Nature, Science, NPR, NBC, GeekWire, etc. Check here for some news links.
- AuntMinnie, interview of Virtual Finger technology (Nov, 2014).
- Allen Institute for Brain Science, Press Release on Virtual Finger. (July 2014)
- National Academy of Sciences, Press Release (March 12, 2013): My dragonfly-paper co-authored with Paloma T. Gonzalez-Bellido et al won the 2012 PNAS Cozzarelli Prize, which "recognizes outstanding contributions to the scientific disciplines represented by the National Academy of Sciences" (USA).
- Allen Institute Newsletters (Jan, 2013): Automated neuron reconstruction Q&A.
- HHMI Bulletin (Fall, 2012): SmartScopes. This is an interview of the advanced image computing for bioimaging and data analysis.
- BioInform, Q&A (April, 2012): Challenges, Applications of Bioimage Informatics. This is an interview about the Bioinformatics editorial on the Bioimage Informatics.
- Nature Methods, Editorial (Nov, 2011): Ground-truth data cannot do it alone. Comments on two of my recent papers on ground truth generation in BrainAligner and the design of effective 3D proof-editing systems.
- 2011 Bioimage Informatics Conference, Cover of the Conference Proceedings (Sept, 2011): Building brain atlases from tens of thousands of individuals. An art picture about the BrainAligner system.
- Nature Methods, News & Views (June 2011): Bringing fly brains in line. Report on my BrainAligner system and applications published in Nature Methods, June 2011.
- HHMI 2010 Annual Report (Nov 2010): Deducing blueprints from design. Highlights on our work on Vaa3D and single cell resolution atlases for model animals.
- NITRC Cover Picture (Aug-Sept, 2010): The NIH sponsored web-site Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse highlights Vaa3D and Vaa3D-Neuron as the featured tool on its cover page between Aug 18-Sept 1, 2010.
- Nature Methods, Research Highlights (May, 2010): Connecting Dots in 3D. Highlight on my Vaa3D software published in a Nature Biotechnology paper.
- Science News / Wiried News (April, 12, 2010): Mapping the fruit fly brain. Report on my talk at the 51st Annual Drosophila Research Conference about building a 3D high-resolution digital atlas of a fruit fly's brain.
- Popular Science (April, 13, 2010): Map of fruit fly's neuron clusters offers glimpse into our own minds' layout. A follow-up piece of the above Science News story.
- HHMI Press Release (March 15, 2010): A Swiss army knife for analyzing three-dimensional images. Report on the Vaa3D paper published in Nature Biotechnology.
- Genome Web News (March 16, 2010): But does it come with a corkscrew and tweezers?. Report the Vaa3D software.
- Cold Spring Harbor 2010 Neuronal Circuit Conference, Cover of the Conference Proceedings (March 10-13, 2010): A compartment neuronal wiring diagram of a fruit fly's brain. I produced this cover art based on recent work on producing a wiring diagram of neurons for a fly brain.
- HHMI Bulletin (Feb, 2010): GPS for the Nematode. Story about the recent Cell and Nature Methods papers about 3D digital worm atlas and its application in single-cell gene expression and fate analysis.
- Nature Methods, Cover Art (Sept, 2009): 3D Single Cell Resolution Digital Atlas of C. elegans. This art was generated using my Vaa3D software.
- Nature Methods, News and Views (Sept, 2009): Google earthworm. Report on the significance of the single-cell 3D digital worm atlas.
- 2009 Bioimage Informatics Conference, Cover of the Conference Proceedings (April, 2009): 3D Fruit Fly Brain Atlas with Single Neuron Reconstructions. This picture shows a process of atlas building (3D neuron tracing, brain registration, and pattern mapping) and visualization were accomplished using my Vaa3D software. This is also a proof-of-principle picture showing building single-neuron-resolution whole-brain 3D digital atlas of a fly's brain is feasible.
- Genome Technology (Nov 2008): Bioimaging's Proving Ground: Efforts to Build Brain Atlases. Highlighting my research on digital atlases and two software tools, Vaa3D and VANO.
- 2008 Conference on Functional Anatomy of the Arthropod Central Complex & Motor System, Cover of the Conference Proceedings (2008): 3D Brain Alignment of Multiple Fruit Fly GAL4 Lines. The raw image data was generated by Phuong Chung, I produced the alignment, the picture was generated by Julie Simpson.
- HHMI Web (2007): Why I am doing what I am doing. HHMI's interview story about my research.